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The relationship between T’ai Hsüan Ching and the I Ching is obvious and the idea of accessing the 729 Appraisals using the same method as for the 384 Line Texts of the I Ching therefore seems to be plausible. The ingenious system of the
I Ching survey by the Chinese philosopher of the Sung Dynasty,
Shao Yong (1011-1077), described by Da Liu (I Ching Numerology, Harper & Row, Publishers, 1979), is an adequate blueprint for the survey of the T'ai Hsüan Ching. Interestingly, it was a contemporary of Shao Yong, named Ssu Ma Kuang (1019-1086), who published the "Standard Edition" of T'ai Hsüan Ching, the basis of most translations.

a) An alphabetical code (a=1, b=2, and so on) is used to convert the letters in the question into numbers, which are then added. The sum (according to Shao Yong), is transformed into the upper bigram. For this Mystery language game, the alphabetical code is perfect to convert the question into a relevant number. The numbers for the following words in German, for example, are amazing:

1.Welt, Himmel, Zeit     =  60 

2.Gehim, Spiel, Modell = 61

3. Orakel, Mensch        = 62

4. Traumdeutung, Existenzangst (dream interpretation, angst)  = 183              

The sum of the first three numbers astonishingly equals the fourth number, which is also the individual number of terms under 4. - A surprising synchronicity. (Source: "Das Alphabet als Code" by Christian Reder, KOMET, Frechen 1999)                                          

b) The hour, month, and year are automatically obtained from the computer. A specific algorithm is applied in order to combine these with the day and convert them into the lower bigram (again according to Shao Yong).


c) The numerical values of the lower and the upper bigram are the coordinates for finding the tetragram with the nine appraisals, one of which is determined as the answer by transforming hour and minute (freely according to Shao Yong’s method).

Tabelle zum Auffinden des Tetragramms mit den Werten des unteren und oberen Bigramms.
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